Jean-Claude Levy is founder of Intentware.
He was employed by Microsoft Corporation from 1997
to 2000 as Application Developpment Consultant where
he helped top French companies use Microsoft
From 2001, Lévy was hired by Visiolis as Information
Technology Manager. Visiolis is the first company
that enables remote online expertise in the French
motorcar insurance industry.
Born in 1966, Lévy sold his first software in 1985 :
was the first Tennis simulation
game on the Apple II computer. He also was the
author of Jerusalem Bible study software, a best
seller in France, in 1997.
With Broderbund Software, he published Showoff in
1987, the first Apple II GS Powerpoint like
software, and in 1989 the Atari version of Prince of
Persia the legendary action-adventure game.
Lévy earned his M.S. in computer science from the
Florida Tech university of Melbourne, Florida in
Lévy has a strong interest in Jewish history,
especially the century around the end of the second